The Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) on Wednesday hosted their first online interactive session for Bengal senior team. Former India player Deep Dasgupta was present during the session. Along with him, the senior Bengal coach Shib Shankar Paul and batting coach Charanjit Singh were also there.
As the entire world has been fighting against the global pandemic COVID-19, they took the initiative to hold the session. It’s because to keep the players in a positive mindset, shape and also how to handle pressure during a difficult time. Currently, all the sporting events have either been postponed or cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.
CAB President Avishek Dalmiya said: “The women’s team has been performing consistently over the last two seasons and it is our responsibility to give them the best. The online class with Deep Dasgupta is part of the initiative where the girls can share their doubts and also get corrective suggestions from him.”
However, CAB has already started online classes for Bengal Men’s team under the former India player VVS Laxman. Even, earlier Dasgupta also echoed Bengal coach’s words about the online interactive session where they would interact with the players. Moreover, they have confirmed that they will bring in more former players in future classes too.
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Dasgupta said: “Avishek got in touch with me first asking me whether I could do a session like this with the girls and after I said yes things rolled along with Shib Shankar. The most important thing is that everyone was in a positive mood. Right now at this difficult time the mindset is more important as techniques and game time is available.”
“How they can use these days to become better, how can you do something constructive everyday was discussed. We want them to spend these days to better themselves,” he added.
Meanwhile, Bengal coach also said about the session: “We are explaining the mantra to the players which is hard work and keeping a positive mind. We are involving experienced players in these sessions to motivate them as stalwarts motivated us in the past.”