The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has recommended India all-rounder Deepti Sharma for the prestigious Arjuna Award on Saturday (May 30). Earlier the news also came that alongside Deepti, India pacer Shikha Pandey‘s name would be recommended as well. The time period for this was from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2019.
Deepti Sharma had an impressive run with both bat and ball. Having made her ODI debut in 2014 and T20I in 2016, she has played 54 ODIs and 48 T20Is so far. She holds the record for the highest individual score in ODI – 188 which came against Ireland in 2017. Along with this, she is the only spinner to claim a six-wicket haul in an ODI.
“We went through a lot of data and considered various parameters before shortlisting the nominees. Deepti is a genuine all-rounder and her contribution to the team has been vital,” Sourav Ganguly, the BCCI President shared.
READ HERE: BCCI to Recommend Shikha Pandey and Deepti Sharma’s Name for Arjuna Awards
The Secretary of the BCCI, Jay Shah has also echoed the same about Deepti Sharma. “There is no bigger honour than representing your country and being nominated for national awards is a recognition of your hard work,” he said.
“Receiving a national award is a huge honour. It is a culmination of your on-field performances and your character off the field. Deepti Sharma has contributed both with the bat and ball and deserves her nomination,” added Arun Singh Dhumal, the Treasurer.